Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Self confidence in child hood

Self confidence has much importance in child hood. If we don't let the children to do their own activities and gain experience they can't gain self-confidence. Children between 3 or 4 up to 7 years old are more likely to gain responsibility. Self confidence can help children from many aspects and one of the most important of them is learning and education. Communicating with surrounding and other people are learning requirements. In the absence of self confidence or even low self-confidence the learning level will reduce.

On the other hand increasing self-confidence also needs training. In this regard, child should recognize himself at the first step, to find out his strengths and weaknesses. Children must be taught to gain experience of failure rather than fear.
Researches has shown that students who have poor self confidence are not in good educational progress (academic achievement). Lack of self-confidence cause students to feel alone in the class and they don't take part in group activities and finally, don't achieve educational goals.
In addition academic failure has also impact on self-esteem and the basis of this effect is mutual. First of all, self-esteem is found and taught at home. If we want to increase willing to learn in children we must teach them how to recognize and control their abilities and believe to themselves.

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