Thursday, November 10, 2016

What does smiling do to us:

What does smiling do to us:
Smiling has many different impacts on our body, it has many positive effects on our different body parts such as heart, muscles, blood vessels, brain, and blood pressure and also on our feelings. It can also decrease stress, anger and depression.
Smiling can help us with better communication, because smiling is the easiest way to communicate with someone.
It's also good to know that smiling helps us to express our feelings much better, so as a result it's an excellent way to improve our EQ.
Some interesting impacts of smiling:
Helps discharging (negative) energy.
100 times of laughing is equal to 15 minutes of cycling.
Laughing may end to cough or hiccups which helps cleaning our lungs.
Increases T and B cells which helps our immune system
It can help us with better learning and better concentration.
It effects our brain activity (both hemispheres)
It helps us with a better self-confidence
It helps us with the feeling of pain

So don’t forget to smile.


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